To get the process started click "get pre-paid shipping label", fill out our form collecting your info, we then will email you a pre-paid shipping label. Then just follow our instructions shown below for packing your LCD's, print the label we emailed you and tape it to the box!
How do I pack my LCD Screens for Recycling?

Step 1
Align LCD Screens Face-to-FacePacking face-to-face will protect the screen and help save space!

Step 2
Align Pairs of Screens Back-to-BackAfter Packing LCD Screens face-to-face pack each pair of screen back-to-back.

Step 3
Secure 5 Pairs of Screens TogetherOne set face-to-face the next set back-to-back. Sets of 10 ensure safety of screens during transport.

Step 4
Wrap screens in Bubble WrapEach set of 10 LCD Screens needs to be securely wrapped in bubble wrap to protect the screens during shipping.

Step 5
Prepare box for shipmentEach bubble wrapped set of screen should be securely placed and all empty spaces should be filled with packing peanuts.